Ryan Scott Weber
Reparto (por orden de créditos)
Joe Parascand
Sheriff Thomas Walker
Kimberly Graf
Mary Horror
Edward X. Young
Uncle John John
Billy Lloyd
Tom Brady
Jimmy Jones
Kristen Accardi
Kristen Esposito
Kayt Supple
Randall Morgan
Jason Jackson
Derrick Shaffer
Jessica Mulcahy
Emma Shaffer
Jessica Montano
Patty Wayne
Patrick Turner
Jeff Horowitz
Therese Crowley
Arleen Horowitz
Mark Fontes
Chuck Marble
Randy Memoli
Lonnie Anderson
Kanessah Peterson
Shawn C. Phillips
George Swayze
Cheryl Downey
Rose the Witch
Deana Demko
Rebecca the Witch
John Link
Marty Perkins
Genoveva Rossi
Sarah the Witch
Jeffrey Weissman
Uncle George
Michael Anthony Scardillo
Mikey D the Night Hunter
Heather Drew
Heather the Night Hunter
Missy Heather Byron
Missy the Night Hunter
Brian Meehan
Johnny the Night Hunter
Christopher J. Murphy
Chris the Night Hunter
Dennis Carter Jr.
Handleford Crane
Jason Kolucki
DJ Red
Laurel Kornfeld
Pluto Lady's Sister
Alicia Bednarski
Bikini Betty
Alex Hutson
Hawaiian Ted
Chris Guttadaro
Detective Blake
Nicholas Searles
Dr. Richard Hess
Tom Ryan
Jerry Jones
Stephen Ohlarik
Dr. Steve
Nick Kisella
Rusty the Hunter
Doug Rogusky
Flip the Hunter
Jason Crow
Ronnie Pebbles
Rocko Falcor Weber
Rocko the Dog
Jeanette Aulet
Zombie Slave
Amanda Batdouf
Microphone Zombie
Romy Callahan
Salem townie
Vince Cenerino
Leah Gelber-De Cicco
Crawling Zombie
Matthew Clark
Lee Cobert
Ralph Cobert
Louie Cortes
Matt Deason
Michael DeFellipo
Al The Camera Man
Patrick Devaney
Patrick The Night Hunter
Sam DiAndrea
Glenn Earle
Robert Englund
Jeff Fetzko
Smelly Tim the Zombie
Cristine Floyd
Melissa Franco
Grabbing Zombie
Richard Gasparro
Jason Greco
The Commander
Nick Gutheil
Lana Harris
Little Zombie Girl
Carmela Hayslett
Bernardsville Townie
John Heard
Vanessa Hernandez
Nicole Hodges
Crazy eye Zombie
Lee Honecker
Homeless Man
K.J. Hopkins
Dr. Zombie
Robert Jackson
Arthur Kass
Ricky Lenz
Tom Mancino
Delorean man
Nicholas Marelli
Scared Boy Zombie
Dylan Mckinney
Pluto nerd
Kellyanne Mulrain
Lisa The Zombie
Nick Petito
Angry truck driver
Jeffery Petrone
Slave Zombie
Mya Place
Kyle Rappaport
Concerned Citizen
Rob Ordonez
Mohawk Zombie
Alekaii Rosado
Michelle Rosado
Karl Roth
Peter Ruschmann
Tim Ryan
Clown Zombie
Deidra Sarego
Manny Serrano
BernardsvilleTV Reporter
Samantha Shaffer
Vincent Simmons
John Sorrentino
Todd Staruch
Talking Todd
Beth Storch
Stacey Tepliski
Ramses Cat Ho Tep Kitty Uncommon
Gerry VanTassel
Grandma Priscilla Williams
Karen Von Oppen
Dan Webster
Steampunk Works
Mark A. Yajcaji
Bald Inmate Zombie