Niek Hazendonk_peliplat

Niek Hazendonk

Fecha de nacimiento : Sin información
Lugar de nacimiento : Sin información

Niek Hazendonk has a master's degree in Landscape architecture from Wageningen University. He works at the Ministry of Agriculture since 1988. The last decades he was involved in most of the physical and landscape planning processes on a national level. He was visiting professor at the Academy of Amsterdam. He was a speaker at several European and world-wide universities and conferences and an expert to the Council of Europe. He has been Dutch representative for the European Landscape Convention during 10 years and since 2014 he is Dutch NVTL Delegate for IFLA Europe. He is member of New European Bauhaus and the Council of Europe IFLA Europe Working Groups and was co-author of the Resolutions of IFLA Europe from 2016-2020. 1995 he was one of the authors of the Visie Stadslandschappen (Vision on City Landscapes), a visionary policy document that introduced concepts as urban agriculture, city metabolism and green infrastructure in the urban-rural policy arena. As assistant to the first Dutch National Advisor on Landscape, he published "Greetings form Europe, landscape and leisure" (2008). He has always been interested in the history of the discipline of landscape architecture and planning and especially focused on the preservation of archives and documents. In that line he is the IFLA Europe representative to the Network of European Landscape Architecture Archives (NELA)

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