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Claudio Marcio Rojas Lizano, born on August 22nd, 1972 in Rio do Janeiro, Brazil. He moved with his parents to Costa Rica in 1975. In 1995 he moved to the USA to get his Bachelor and Master's Education. He moved back to Costa Rica in 2001. In 2010 he got married with Samira Fuentes. Claudio has 30 years of experience as a producer, director, editor and professor in the areas of film, television, theater and the web. In the United States he worked for companies such as Turnbull Center at Florida State University, Sound City Productions, Internet Broadcasting Network, Inc. and WDA video productions. In Costa Rica he has worked in institutions and companies such as the Compañía Nacional de Teatro, Centro Costarricense de Producción Cinematográfica, NLC Editores de Costa Rica, Universidad de Ciencias y el Arte, Centro Educativo Horizonte 2000, and Producciones Legendarias SA, in which he was president and founder from 2001 to 2017. In 2013 he became the Director of the Film and Animation Academy at ULACIT, Costa Rica. In September 2018 he co-founded 175 Films & Media Ltda, a company dedicated to the development and production of transmedia projects for film and tv.