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Skye Blanks is an American actor, model and activist from Keyport, NJ. Growing up as a student athlete, Skye has developed a diverse skill set in the athletics, health and fitness space. He is a graduated from the Marine Academy of Science and Technology where he participated on the military armed drill team. He furthered his education at the George Washington University where he studied International Affairs with a concentration in International Development and a minor in Creativity Innovation and Entrepreneurship. In addition to acting, Skye has experienced in podcast production, cinematography and video editing for his critically acclaimed podcast 2721 Club. Skye uses this platform along with his co-hosts, Alexa Claire and Collin Cadet to discuss and debate topics relating to careers, school, relationships and norms through the lens of young black entrepreneurs. Skye is a major proponent of telling stories that reflect diverse perspectives and encourage a more connected world.