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About her life She had more than one talent from an early age[1], and was a playwright, winning first place in a competition in the UAE to play the piano in the age group under 8 years old, and also a painter where she won third place in painting between Iraq and the UAE. [She finished high school at the School of the Sisters of the Roses], and graduated from the Department of Television and Theater Directing at the American University of Beirut [ She began as a hobby by chance in singing while studying directing and as a director presented a number of works including taking over the task of helping to direct the series «Khalil in the Wind» by Ghanem Al-Sulaitin (1999). Family life In 2004 she married Egyptian music distributor Medhat Khamis [], gave birth to their son Noor in 2005 and then the disputes and problems between them began, she reached the courts and returned to her country without her son who was said to have expelled her from home. She even filed a lawsuit demanding her divorce from him and asking for custody of her son, which she won. Her artistic career In 1996, when she was at university, she had the opportunity to participate in the talent program Art Studio, so she participated in the program to waste time without the goal of stardom, but graduated from the program with a silver medal in the dirt category, where she sang for the Lebanese artist Fairuz during the program. Her most notable songs include "Give Me the Flute and Sing", "Ahwak Without Hope" and "We'll Be Back Someday". She also sang the song "Reasonable" with the participation of Lebanese singer Ziad Barji in the Lebanese dialect and performed the song "I love you" in the Bedouin dialect. The second phase of her singing career, when she signed a contract with the producer of the series Simon Asmarbot soon the contract between them was terminated, she signed another contract with Rotana and her first album with the company was entitled "The Last Love" in 2002, which was one of his songs «Hatak in Bali», which she filmed as a music video and became famous through it and achieved success. What encouraged her to release another album entitled «I tell you something», during which she collaborated with her ex-husband, music distributor Midhat Khamis, and presented during the album what are known as fast songs such as «Gharib Tabaya» and «Me Like You», which she filmed as a music video and achieved success, and released her first official solo «Pink Dreams» in 2013. Absence and return[ She stopped for a while because she was busy with health conditions and was busy caring for her son Noor. Her appearance had decreased significantly in contrast to her activity, especially with the video songs during which she was famous for her own personality, and returned in December 2018 to music tracks after being absent from it for a long time with director Adel Sarhan during the song «I love». Representation She first co-starred as an actress in the film "Sea of Stars" in 2007[8] and co-starred with singers Wael Kfoury, Haifa Wehbe and Carol Samaha where she performed two songs, "What is Guilt" and "A Higher Voice". In 2011, she participated as a guest of honor in the third part of the Saudi series "Hawamer Al-Sahara in 2013", co-starred in the musical series «Do Ri Mi» and presented in its context a number of joint songs including «When We Meet», «Just a Similarity», «In My Mind» with the participation of Marwa Ben Saghir, and «I love you tricks».