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Also known as "BOY CHAD" @boychadx on Instagram I am a Los Angeles based Actor and Alternative Pop artist making music out of my bedroom. I write everything, design my sets, make my clothing, edit, sing , rap, you name it! My unique style is very obscure, polarizing and features minimalistic sonic aesthetics, as well as a gritty underground feel that transpires through the organic melodies, future nostalgic beats and witty lyricism. I have a real message in my music, and with everything going on today, it perfectly aligns with that. I have created everything you see and hear without a budget and that's what makes me unique. It's being able to take little to nothing and make something that is very polished, professional and appears to have a budget. We can create a shift in this industry by being intentional about the cultures we want to create and cultivate with our music and art. We can create this shift by highlighting the disenfranchised and giving people the space to be free.