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Melissa Araya Oros is a professional chilean actress who studied at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. She has been acting in Tv Series ("Chipe Libre" 2014, "Soltera otra vez 3" 2018, "Efecto mariposa: Antares de la luz" 2018 y "Luchita Rivera" 2019), movies ("The Amazing Metamorphosis of Juan Pérez" 2016), music videos ("Calibre 22" La Horda,"Donde estés" del cantante Alberto Comesaña,"#Buscándote" Nixo, "Lo sabes bien" Emanuel Faccilongo, "Sólo Acércate" Daniel Parraguez, "En el borde" Mariano Pavez). She is also director in the theater companies Recreo Teatro and TeatroUDP, and performed with Tabla Teatro ("Expediente Godoy" 2013-2016), Shakespeare and co ("Midnight summer dream" 2011) and participated in the opera rock "Icaro", directed by Raimundo Guzmán (2011).