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Sean P. Malone has trained his eye on the world through a lens for more than a decade. He has captured light and emotion as director of photography on a diverse body of films, including narrative and experimental shorts, commercials, music videos, web series, and a documentary feature. The latter, Wild About '88: The Rise of Arizona Basketball, he is also directing and producing. His work on international pop star Ivo Mozart's video, "Se Namorar," has been seen more than three million times on YouTube, and his cinematography has been awarded at film festivals from Los Angeles to Miami and recognized internationally. Malone studied filmmaking at the University of Miami, and honed his craft further at the ASC Master Class, and the Global Cinematography Institute. These opportunities allowed him to learn directly from giants of the craft, including Caleb Deschanel, ASC (The Passion of the Christ) and the late Vilmos Zsigmond, ASC (Close Encounters of the Third Kind). He co-founded Waterfoot Films, an independent film company, as well as the commercial production company Regality Media. In addition to his work behind the camera, Malone is also an experienced teacher of filmmaking and communication. On his podcast, The Camera Report, he sits down with world-class DPs such as Roger Deakins, ASC and Seamus McGarvey, ASC. "To me, an image is either immediately breathtaking, or it's not," Malone says. "Immediately beautiful or not. The films I admire most are filled with great images that evoke strong emotion. When I'm shooting, I search for those images. Shots that make me feel deeply, so that the audience will feel that as well."