The Big Moment_peliplat
The Big Moment_peliplat

The Big Moment (2021)

16+ (RU) | Russia | Russian | 24 min
Directed by: Viktor Shamirov

Estranged ex-lovers, Kostya and Kira are unexpectedly thrown together again when they're asked to collaborate as script-writers on a love-story set in a music school. The script focuses on teachers Rostislav (Dmitry Lysenkov) and Arina (Evgeniya Borzykh), who are caught-up in a difficult situation, made more complicated by Arina passing off a new colleague as her boyfriend to placate her demanding mother. The real and phoney relationships, both on and off-paper (or in reality or in the script), test all the characters, and examine themes of love, trust, sex, infidelity, friendship, responsibility as well as compatibility.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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