Stars (in credits order)
Chris Kenny
Self - Presenter
Tony Abbott
Self - Former Prime Minister of Australia(archiveFootage)
Janet Albrechtsen
Self - ABC Board Director 2005-2010
Richard Alston
Self - Communications Minister 1996-2003
Richard Boyer
Don Bradman
Self - Former Australian cricketer(archiveSound)
Steven Ciobo
James Dibble
Sarah Henderson
Self - Liberal Senator
John Howard
Andrew Laming
Self - Former Coalition MP
Robert Gordon Menzies
George Pell
Christian Porter
Self - Attorney General 2017-2021(archiveFootage)
Jonathan Shier
Self - ABC Managing Director 2000-2001
Donald Trump
Alan Tudge
Self - Liberal Party(archiveFootage)
Eric Abetz
Self - Liberal Party MP(uncredited)(archiveFootage)
Caleb Bond
Nicolle Flint
Adolf Hitler
Luke Howarth
Self - Liberal National Party(uncredited)(archiveFootage)
Malcolm Mackerras
Karen McNamara
Julius Sumner Miller
Erin Molan
Scott Morrison
Self - Prime Minister of Australia(uncredited)(archiveFootage)
Ivanka Trump
David Van