The Seismic Sense: How Animals Predict Earthquakes_peliplat
The Seismic Sense: How Animals Predict Earthquakes_peliplat

The Seismic Sense: How Animals Predict Earthquakes (2012)

PG (US) | Germany | English, German | 52 min
Directed by: Elmar Bartlmae

Despite decades of research and the use of modern technology, science is still not able to detect in time an imminent earthquake. Even though seismologists are able to closely monitor the rate of activity on faults--ranging from a scale of a year to a decade, and even a century--a solid short-term day-to-month forecasting is still an insoluble problem. Although this may be true, some scientists in diverse fields choose to follow a rather controversial approach on the subject, by studying the unusual behavioural change of animals before an earthquake. With this in mind, scientists all over the world struggle to substantiate the connection between the animals' extra-sensitive sensory abilities, and the movement of the continental and tectonic plates, in a way that can be useful for society. Could indeed the animal kingdom provide mankind with additional knowledge? Will man ever be able to safely predict and avoid the aftermath of an earthquake one day?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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