What Do You Really Wanna Say_peliplat
What Do You Really Wanna Say_peliplat

What Do You Really Wanna Say (2015)

None | Hungary | None, English | 6 min
Directed by: Eszter Angyalosy, Dániel Szöke

Wonderland is an imaginary band from the novel by the Hungarian authors Eszter Angyalosy and Akos Baranyai. But the imaginary band's imaginary biggest hit, 'What Do You Really Wanna Say' has become real, thanks to the musicians Adam Szeker, Gergely Ambrus Horvath and Akos Baranyai. Wonderland is a symbolic place where people can hide from real life, from adulthood, from responsibility. But the only problem is that Wonderland is extremely addictive, and it's very easy to get stuck in here.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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