Cuckoo in a Dark Forest_peliplat
Cuckoo in a Dark Forest_peliplat

Cuckoo in a Dark Forest (1985)

None | Poland, Czechoslovakia | Czech, German, Polish | 95 min
Directed by: Antonín Moskalyk

A portrait of a Nazi officer, the commander of a concentration camp, touches on the contradictory sides of his personality - on the one hand, a caring, nurturing family man, on the other, a ruthless Nazi, applying a policy of extermination without restraint. It is this man, who takes on 13-year-old Emilka, a Czech girl destined for "re-education"; through her eyes, we then see the imposed family, the complex formation of relationships with a man who tries to treat her kindly. The little girl goes through a painful discovery of true reality. During her stay in Germany, she tries not to forget her real home and believes that she will meet her mother once more in her life and return.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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