A Tank in My... Bedroom_peliplat
A Tank in My... Bedroom_peliplat

A Tank in My... Bedroom (1975)

K (GR) | Greece | Greek | 97 min
Directed by: Giannis Dalianidis

In early 1967, Kostas, a hard-working toiler who lives under the same roof with his mother and his two siblings, dreams of a better life as a married man to his beautiful and tolerant sweetheart, Eleni. However, after the military coup in Greece on April 21, 1967, Kostas will find himself trying to stay out of trouble by keeping a low profile, and little by little, he will forget his promise to his future wife. And then, unexpectedly, things will take a turn for the worse, when Kostas' younger brother becomes an active member of an anti-junta organisation, thwarting the law-abiding citizen's plans for good. Will Kostas ever get out of this mess, and above all, will he ever fulfil his dream?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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